
The Five Essential Components Of Florence Nightingale's Theory Of Nursing

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The concept of environment and its integral role in the delivery of nursing care was among the first identified and documented nursing concept since its early days. Florence Nightingale pioneered the profession of nursing and along with it, pioneered the concept of Nursing Theory. Her Environmental Theory was patient focused and incorporated five environmental components needed to promote health. Jarrin (2012) supported that the role of nursing is to promote the best possible environment for the patient to assist in their natural reparative process. It dates back from the time of ancient Greek philosophers and historians, including Plato, Hippocrates, and Aristotle, whose works are studied by Nightingale in her early years. According to Rahim (2013), as considered as the profession’s first nurse theorist, Florence Nightingale provided the essential foundation in environmental theory. She believed that some laws of nature, when applied and integrated into nursing care, can assist individuals in restoring their health during their illness, and, in those who are already healthy, promote health and prevent illness. The Five Essential Components Selanders, 2010 (as cited in Rahim, 2013) concluded that, “Environment is the umbrella concept in the Nightingale theory of nursing. It was her contention that the environment could be altered in such a manner as to improve conditions so that the natural laws would allow healing to occur”. The five environmental components identified by Nightingale, which are necessary to a person’s health, are: clean air, pure water, efficient drainage, cleanliness, and light. These five components are further divided into the following canons: ventilation and warming, health of houses, petty management, noise, variety of taking food, bed and bedding, light, cleanliness of rooms and walls, personal cleanliness, chattering hopes and advices, and observation of the sick. The nurse’s role is essential in manipulating these components accordingly such as to stimulate patient healing, and or maintain the health of an already healthy individual. Essentially it is the environment or nature that helps maintain health and any deviation from what is considered clean or pure contributes to

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