
The Freedom Of Freedom, And Self Actualization As An Individual

Decent Essays

In order to answer the question of what is required for an individual as he exists in society to be free, we must first understand what freedom is. In synthesizing ideas from the texts studied this semester, thus far, I have arrived at the conclusion that freedom can be described as the ability to pursue activities that fulfill oneself, and contribute to our own happiness, and self-actualization as an individual. To say that freedom can be “defined” would imply placing limits on freedom, and would be counterintuitive. Erich Fromm states that “[Freedom’s] meaning changes according to the degree of man’s awareness and conception of himself as an independent and separate being (23).” The less a person is bound to obligations albeit moral, economic, social, or political, and more self-actualized, the more likely he will be to seek happiness through activities that are free from influence of these aforementioned entities. The notion of freedom that will be discussed in this paper is strongly tied to Freud’s suggestion that individuals must “strive after happiness; [we] want to become happy and remain so (42).” Freud suggests that we accomplish this by channeling our instincts and regulate them, as to not be a slave to them, or indulging our libido, by accomplishing personal goals, and pursuing creative endeavors which are free from outside influence. Freud offers other ways to cope with the misery we find from our own decaying selves, the external world, and other people,

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