
The Frustrating Pursuit of Happiness

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In today’s society people are constantly striving towards happiness. People will work their entire life chasing something and in the end still be unhappy. Continually pursuing this idealistic goal of happiness and never feeling as though they have accomplished it, leaving people wondering if it is even worth it. It often makes people question what happiness is even considered anymore in today’s society and curious as to how they can achieve such a thing. Devoting one’s entire life to achieving happiness in our 21st century society is actually adversely affecting the individual’s happiness.
People may argue that a life spent working hard towards their goals will lead to the feeling of self fulfillment and overall happiness. These people do not take into account the fact that if an individual is constantly striving towards happiness, they will slowly be pushing away the real things that actually matter and make people happy, such as family. Happiness isn’t something that is to be achieved through working day in and day out, it should be attained by living life in a way that genuinely leaves one feeling content and euphoric.
Happiness is thought to be something that is paired with money, and that is what is misleading people everyday around the nation. Spending every day working towards things that are believed to make people happy will not provide permanent happiness. It may appear that the person has everything and leave them feeling temporarily satisfied, but overall, there

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