
The Functions of the Limbic System

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The Limbic system compromises of detailed structures which control and regulate major affective activities such as fright, anxiety, and happiness. Further functions of the limbic system are motor functions, sensory systems, hormones and memory which all contribute to the control of affective states. These factors are controlled and regulated by different structures of the limbic system and work inter-relatedly. The central components of the limbic system compromise of the limbic cortex, hippocampus, amygdala, fornix and mammillary bodies. The limbic system also currently involves cortical and non-cortical brain structures such as diencephalon, brainstem and the forebrain. The diencephalon compromises of the thalamus and the hypothalamus, the forebrain includes the basal ganglia and amygdala while the function of the brainstem is to form a connection between the cerebrum and the spinal cord. (Hendelman, 2000). The origin of the limbic system stemmed from the evolutionary period. This is because, during the evolutionary period, brains have developed in a structure that enables mammals to adapt to their environment. For example the forebrain in mammals has evolves to fulfil this function of adaptability of behaviour to the external world (Maclean cited in Hendelman, 2000). Therefore, this has resulted in a different functions and roles of the limbic system in terms of adapting to environments such as fright and how to react in fearful situations. However, the functions of

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