
The Geneva Convention

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The Geneva Convention was the place where a list of rules was made to save and protect the lives of those that were involved in the war.
The first Geneva Convention treaty stated that, “enemy forces that are wounded, sick or shipwrecked must be treated and cared for. Enemy dead should be collected quickly and protected from robbers.” Without it many soldiers would have been left to die, and the bodies of the dead were left where they fell. Also, the treaty prevented sabotage, and if anyone sabotaged medical equipment and medical vehicles they would probably get in a good deal of trouble. The second treaty stated around the same rules, however, they expanded it to those wounded at sea. These two treaties were suggested by a man named, Henry …show more content…

For example, the Japanese had broken the Geneva Contract several times during WWII. They had taken the money of the prisoners, they had forced them to walk to their literal death, they forced to do unhealthy and practically deadly work, and the prisoners were NOT shown respect at all. This treaty is so important because no matter who you are you or what nation your part of, or what enemy they are, you have no business to kill another human being. You must treat any prisoner with respect, and treat them like humans NOT animals. The Japanese killed the POWs mercilessly, and because of this, many people who could have survived had died. This treaty puts guidelines for countries telling them, that if they break this they will have to deal with other nations and consequences that they might receive. The treaty, tries to make sure that NO nation will ever redo the actions that the Japanese did during WWII. Because to take the life of another human being is one of the biggest crimes you can do in the world, not only in the world but to God. The Bible specifically states “You shall not murder.” (Exodus 20:13,

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