
The Genocide And The Rwandan Genocide

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In the year 1994, the Rwandan Genocide took place. During this time, Rwandans were set into two distinctive groups that were at war with each other. He Hutu ethnic majority were determined to remove the Tutsi ethnic minority. In westernized states, many people were not concerned with this because they felt that there was no real connection. The United States, specifically, did not want to engage in what they believed to be “not their fight”. In 2004, Hotel Rwanda was released and it baffled many westerns when they realized how little help they provided. It also caused an emotional response because it was noted how much could have changed if they had stepped in. Hotel Rwanda was a very historically accurate film and had many key features …show more content…

As a theory, categorization played a large role in the genocide and war. Without these groups the war would never have occurred because the people would be united by the idea that they were all Rwandans and not different.
Lack of identity played a huge role in the Rwandan war. Identity is how a person classifies them self. As a whole, all of the people in Rwanda classify themselves as Rwandan. This means that they shared similar values, languages, and traditions. The war would have been completely avoided if they has united as a nation, instead of separating into different categories. Paul represented a member of the Rwandan society who looked at everyone as Rwandans instead of Hutus and Tutsis. This is shown in the film when he brings his friends and family who are Tutsi to hide in the hotel. By doing this he is keeping them safe and preventing them from being killed by Hutu members. People like Paul who were willing to unite as a country instead of individual groups are the reason that the war came to an end. If Rwandans had united by the identity of being Rwandan, the war could have been entirely avoided. Media influence also played a large role in the Rwandan War. Radio stations were used to rally members together and inflict pain on the

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