
The Geographies Of The Iroquois And Iroquois Tribe

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Before 1492, when Columbus sailed the ocean blue, there were many tribes living in North America. Two equally similar and different ones were the Iroquois tribe and the Cherokee tribe. On one hand, they are similar because of their geographies and their economies. On the other hand, they are different because of their cultures and religious beliefs. The geographies of the Iroquois and Cherokee tribes are alike in multiple ways. For instance, the Iroquois lived in the Northeast region; they lived in New York and near Ontario River, Canada and along the Saint Lawrence River. The Cherokee tribe lived in the Southeast region and in parts of Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina, mostly. This means that both the Cherokee and the Iroquois tribes lived in the East. Additionally, the Iroquois tribe got around by walking and using canoes. The Cherokee tribe travelled on foot, wagons, and boats. This shows that both tribes walked and used boats to transport themselves from place to place. In summary, the geographies of the Iroquois and Cherokee are similar in a numerous amount of ways. The economies of the Cherokee and Iroquois tribes are similar in many ways. For example, according to Daily Life in Olden Times for Kids Northeast Iroquois Nation Warriors, Weapons, Battle Techniques, Mr. Donn, “The men made many types of weapons. They made bows and arrows out of hickory or ash wood. The tips of the arrows were made out of turtle, antler bone, and deer bone. They were very

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