
The Gift Of Magi Comparative Essay

Decent Essays

There are several different themes in both The Gift of the Magi and The Necklace. (wealth, sacrifice, pride and love) Both of them have played a great part of the stories. What make both stories similar is the fact that they are both poor, they are couples and live in not so well to do housing. The wealth is found in the love that Della and Jim have for each other, and what Mathilde wants in her lfe but does not have. The sacrifice that is found in both stories, speaks to wanted to give, even if it hurts. Jim sold his watch that belonged not only to him, but was pasted down from his grandfather to his father and then to Jim. Della has the one thing that she could not put a price on, her hair. But yet she did not hesitate to take $20. So that she could get Jim a Christmas gift. And what about Mathidle’s husband, he gave up the money that he was saving to buy himself a new gun. There is pride found in both stories. Della and Jim in The Gift of Magi, could have simply talked to each other and admit that they just did not have the money to get each other a gift and just made dinner and enjoyed each other. As for …show more content…

In The Gift of Magi the Youngs, they could not bring themselves to admit that they do not have enough money to buy each other a gift for Christmas they never sat down to talk about it, or even set a budget, they just did what they thought would be the best for the other person, even thou that meant given up the things that they treasured the most. In The Necklace, Mathilde, seem to have a lot of issues with pride. In the beginning of the story she is looked at as an overly prideful person with unreal expectations, which rules her life and keeps her feeling inadequate; eventually her and her husband end up tying up their finances for

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