
The Glass Cage By Nicholas Carr Summary

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According to a recent study by the Pew Research Center, nearly two-thirds of the United States adults own a smartphone, which is up from 35% in 2011 (Anderson and Posts). As the acceptance of smartphones expand, many question whether it will have an adverse impact on our lives. Author Nicholas Carr indirectly criticizes the use of a smartphone; however, smartphones, such as Apple’s iPhone can have both positive and negative impacts on a population. In The Glass Cage author Nicolas Carr demonstrates that when digital devices automate or oust human burdens, there is a root for anguish; automation generally brings a hasty corollary for people. Carr claims that smartphones are deskilling us, because doing activities done on a smartphone manually helps people with automaticity. The most notable evidence Carr uses to support his thesis is when he claims that people will have a smartphone automation bias “Automation bias is closely related to automation complacency. It creeps in when people give undue weight to the information coming through their monitors. Even when the information is wrong or misleading, they believe it. Their trust becomes so strong that they ignore or discount other sources of information, including their own senses” (Carr). The author also claims, that physically writing words on a …show more content…

Smartphones have a colossal assistance for everyday Americans and it is demonstrated, when they save us time and money. The smartphone developers have interests they claim to offer those seeking a device that will make their lives easier, and it is shown in extensive research about these smartphones. Author Nicholas Carr of The Glass Cage indirectly condemns the use of smartphones; however, smartphones, such as Apple’s IPhone have both a conclusive and unfavorable impacts on people, which is shown in its features and

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