
Essay on The Government Stimulus

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In these current economic times, people have lost jobs. People have lost faith in the economy since the worth of their money keeps falling. Businesses are failing left and right because of the lack of confidence in the system. Banks have folded because of the amount of people who are unable to pay their loans, leaving the banks without funds. The auto industry is failing as people cannot afford the new cars being produced by Detroit. Confidence in the economic system of the United States is very low. How can the country recover from this economic recession? Some economists would say that the government should step in to save the day by pumping funds into the system. President Obama signed a massive stimulus bill in an attempt to turn the …show more content…

See Figure 1 To help gain support for the bill, President Obama made statements about how the bill would help the economy.
In his January 10th radio address, President-elect Obama said:
…I asked my nominee for chair of the Council of Economic Advisers, Dr. Christina Romer, and the vice president-elect's chief economic adviser, Dr. Jared Bernstein , to conduct a rigorous analysis of this plan and come up with projections of how many jobs it will create—and what kind of jobs they will be… The report confirms that our plan will likely save or create 3 to 4 million jobs… The jobs we create will be in businesses large and small across a wide range of industries. And they'll be the kind of jobs that don't just put people to work in the short term, but position our economy to lead the world in the long-term… The jobs being created by the House bill could cost as much as 2.5 times more than jobs created without the stimulus bill. (Grassley)

The funds from the bill were to be allocated to different projects that were designed to create jobs. Part of this was a distribution of the funds to states based on how effectively they would use the funds (Chenn). In an article quoted by Chenn, Daniel Wilson says that the bill is aimed at states that are in need of funds, therefore they will spend the money

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