
The Great Gatsby Selfishness Quotes

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Oscar Wilde once said, “Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live” ("Selfishness Quotes"). Selfishness is not doing whatever you want to do, that is fine, but it is expecting others to abide by your rules that is selfish. When Amy married Nick, she thought that he would love and defend her and that he would care about her needs. This turns out to be a false pretension. Their story begins when Nick and Amy meet each other at a party that Amy attends with a friend. After the party, they do not see or talk to each other again until eight months and two weeks later, when they run into each other at an outdoor market. Nick and Amy date and eventually decide to get married and move into an …show more content…

At one point Nick felt that Amy was his whole world and that he would do anything for her. Amy’s presence used to be pleasant in his life, but then Nick’s life changes and he starts to feel like Amy is a job to him. He decides to search for someone who could be an outlet to him. In Nick’s opinion, Andie is the perfect outlet for him. Nick reveals his true feelings for Amy when he says to himself, “I began thinking of Andie as an escape, an opportunity. An option. I’d come home to find Amy in a tight ball on the sofa, Amy staring at the wall, silent, never saying the first word to me, always waiting, a perpetual game of icebreaking, a constant mental challenge-what will make Amy happy today?” (146). When Nick thinks about Amy in this moment, he describes her as being a burden to him. He finds that Amy is no longer the person he thought she was. Amy eventually finds out that Nick has a mistress, which causes all sorts of problems for Nick. Nick clearly does not love Amy anymore, especially if he is willing to cheat on her. When two people are in a relationship they must be willing to commit to each other and show empathy toward one

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