
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

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The American dream was originally about discovery, individualism and the pursuit of happiness. However, in the 1920s depicted in the Great Gatsby easy money and relaxed social values have corrupted this dream. During the Roaring Twenties when the ideal American lifestyle was being portrayed and everything was at an all time high. After the end of the First World War, moral and social values diminished and portrayed the Jazz age in which moral degradation and the recklessness of the 1920s. As a result, loneliness, disillusionment and loss were being portrayed throughout this period. In the Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald, Gatsby is an average man who falls in love with an unattainable society. As long as Gatsby has faith in life’s possibilities and regaining Daisy’s love he continues to strive until eventually he does not succeed and ultimately dies. Furthermore, Fitzgerald manages to portray modernism by presenting the flaws in society during the 1920s such as the wasteful lives of the wealthy in the novel, as none of them were portrayed as people who wanted to achieve something worth fighting for and rather were portrayed as people who would spend money for the sake of portraying themselves as wealthy and superior to the other classes in society. This novel is a symbol of the American Dream being disintegrated through the desire of money and pleasure, which overtook more noble goals. Through, the analysis of the main character, Jay Gatsby and the journey of his past,

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