
Essay On African American Business

Decent Essays

African American Businesses Receive Cash Infusion The Great Recession was hard on everybody, but some sectors of the American economy took a greater hit than others. In the same way, as the country has started to recover, not every community has fared as well as others. In many instances, the same groups who were hit the hardest in the recession are also having the most difficulty coming back out of it. One such group is the black business sector. A large reason for the struggle comes down to one word: capital. According to Black Enterprise, most other sectors of the business community have been able to access the money needed to grow their businesses over the last eight years. African American businesses, however, have not had this same benefit. In quantifiable numbers, African American businesses account for less than 2 percent of all Small Business Association Loans, even though Black-owned businesses comprise over 7 percent of the country's non-farm businesses. …show more content…

JP Morgan Chase has contributed $3 million to help boost economic development in black and minority businesses. The money will be channeled through the Valley Economic Development Centers (VEDC) in New York City, Chicago and Los Angeles. According to their website, the VEDC oversees a National African American Small Business Loan Fund specifically designed to help "minority-owned businesses in these cities and help them serve low-income communities by providing them with greater access to capital, technical assistance and financial consulting." The VEDC has a goal of establishing a $30 million loan fund. The $3 million from JP Morgan Chase makes a significant mark toward that

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