
The Great Wall Of China

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It has been said that the Great Wall of China is so immense that it can be seen from space with just the human eye. Unfortunately, that is simply a rumor and has been confirmed false. Nonetheless, the Great Wall of China is also the world’s longest wall and biggest piece of ancient architecture, which is still a pretty big deal. Its official length is about 13,170 miles long, more than four times the width of the United States. The wall crosses over ten provinces and cities, including Qinghai, Gansu, Ningxia, Shaanxi, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Hebei, Beijing, Tianjin, and Liaoning. There is no definite period of time from when the wall began to when it was finished, but archeologists believe the main sections of the wall were built between 221-206 BC. Now knowing it’s deep roots and it’s extensive land coverage, it is no surprise that the salvation of this remarkable structure is in jeopardy. In my paper I will focus on issues including the preservation, conservation, and overall management of the Great Wall of China, which shed significant light on the complex history and ethical issues related to this monument. I will argue that enforcement of government regulations and the promotions of keeping the wall unsoiled and beautiful are necessary actions with respect to the monument’s care and preservation today, and must be regarded further in light of aesthetic and national concerns.
The Great Wall of China has always been mistaken as a single wall, but in reality it is

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