
The Great War Of The United States

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Prior to the First World War, the USA was a flourishing power in terms of having one of the largest economies and military strength, however America had few foreign policy ambitions during this period. Despite purchasing Alaska from Russia in 1867, there was no real interest in expanding America. Before The Great War, it seemed unlikely that America would become involved in war over the conflicts of other western powers. They considered themselves a ‘City on the Hill’, an example to the rest of the world of stability and democracy. The large Navy ensured security of the North American continent and the small professional army, points to the overwhelmingly defensive front they put on. Washington adopted an isolationist policy with regards …show more content…

American citizens provided fuel to the war effort whilst the government engaged in propaganda campaigns to raise money and troops. This agrees with David W Koeller’s view that “The high infiltration of Pro-British propaganda made it impossible for the US to remain neutral and not engage in the war.” All in all, the American people helped provide the foundations to make the world safe for democracy and ultimately aided the allies in winning the war. A second way in which it was a turning point was that Wilson set forth for a plan for “just and secure peace,” and not merely “a new balance of power.” His Fourteen Points outlined his vision for a safer and democratic world, whilst the proposal of an international organisation to serve as a forum against any future escalating conflicts emphasised this (The League of Nations). However, the European leaders ignored each of Wilson’s points one by one, forcing Germany to admit guilty to the war and pay endless amounts of reparations (The war guilt clause). The US Senate believed that any involvement in The League of Nations (part of the treaty) could place America at the forefront of oversea problems and therefore could not ratify it as it could be of no benefit to the country or its people. This fits in with her return to isolationist policy and the passing of the Neutrality Law in 1937. Therefore, The USA’s entry could merely be seen as a milestone as they entered the war as an associated power in order to avoid foreign

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