
The Haitian Relationship With the Dominican Republic Essays

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The Haitian Relationship With the Dominican Republic

The Haitian revolution had tremendous repercussions in the social, political and economic arenas of the world, but especially for the relationship with the neighboring nation of the Dominican Republic. In order to understand the development of the Dominican-Haitian relationship after the Haitian revolution one must examine how the two colonies of Hispanola dealt with each other before it. Throughout history there has been constant stress between the interactions of these nations, yet there is no easy explanation for what has caused it. In effect, it has been an accumulation of events which has allowed for the present relationship to evolve.

By the 1780’s Saint Domingue’s had the …show more content…

This minority was mostly bound by race, although class was important to a lesser extent. This created a society where it was favorable to be lighter skinned since it opened the doors for better social status in the colony. Although, because of the unique inheritance laws of the colony which allowed for blacks the opportunity to inherit the large estates of their white fathers there were a large amount of wealthy mulattos. Still, rich blacks and mulattos had nearly the same rights in the colony as their slaving counterparts. Knowing this it is clear that the social structure of the colony had a great impact on the development of the Haitian revolution.

As a result of being outnumbered, slave owners feared rebellions which would remove them from their position of power. This fear is largely to blame for the especially hard conditions for slaves in the colony of Saint Domingue. On the majority of plantations for example slaves were forbidden to meet with other slaves, and harsh overseers were employed to make sure that the slaves cooperated.

Besides slave uprising, another stimuli for the Haitian Revolution was the political and social conditions of France. Around 1787 an anti-slavery sentiment developed in France after being heavily influenced by the English abolitionists movements, which included among others the Quakers. Furthermore, the political instability of France during the late eighteenth century forced the small community of

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