
The Handmaid 's Tale : Are Men And Blame?

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The Handmaid’s Tale: Are Men to Blame? Women have been domesticated by men since the beginning of time. This role was given to women changing substantially as the years have gone by. It is still true that today there is a battle for equality of the sexes, and this novel by Margaret Atwood displays the harsh reality we continue to face in this male dominant society. Interestingly enough, this was written and published in the 80s and is still relevant today. Some believe that it is perfectly fine to not have equality amongst all let alone equality for women. Atwood’s use of men gives them power over women but they are not to blame for this mistreatment of the opposite sex. The Handmaid’s Tale gives a clear picture of what could happen to our society if women are continued to be seen as voiceless sex objects. It only takes one person to realize that what is occurring is wrong and it takes men and women both to stop the nonsense. Men in the story like The Commander and Nick realize the wrongness, giving the women some hope. The concern for Offred the Commander displays proves not all men are evil or to blame in Gilead. The Commander is in no way the savior of the novel; however, he is Offred’s only hope. The society has already set rules no matter how horrible they are it is the law and he is a part of the hierarchy. If Commander went against his own council he would need allies to dispute the “handmaid issue.” Men are not willing to step up defending

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