
The Handmaid 's Tale By Margaret Atwood

Decent Essays

Power: a simple five-letter word with numerous definitions. Power a noun. Power meaning the ability or right to control people or things (“Power”). Throughout the history of human existence it has been human nature to crave and want power. The feeling of being in control and not having to answer to anybody is an indescribable feeling. But being in power can also lead to undesirable decisions. In the 19th century, Lord Acton a British historian said “Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely”. In The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood, readers are exposed to a dystopic novel where individuals use the influence of their societal roles to manipulate others. There is no coincidence that Atwood’s novel can be considered a speculative fiction. Nor is it a coincidence that The Handmaid’s Tale is still relevant today. Abuse of power is relevant in not only Atwood’s novel, but also present in numerous societies today across the globe. In the novel due to low reproductive rates, fertile females known as Handmaid’s are assigned to households where couples are having trouble conceiving a child. Offred who is a Handmaid is assigned to the household of The Commander; who is at the near top of Gilead’s hierarchical society. It is the very Commander who initiates a forbidden hidden relationship that violates the rules of the society, with Offred in the novel. The Commander at the very start of Offred’s placement is able to use his power to intimidate her before the

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