
The Handmaid's Tale

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A dystopia in fiction is a society created by human misery, portrayed as existing in the future, and presenting conditions of life affected from oppression, deprivation, or terror by a corrupt government. However, the most frightening aspect of dystopias is an author’s ability to emphasize blind, yet honest ‘truths’ within the text. Authors write dystopias to bring into light the contemporary issues facing a cultural context. This type of fiction is raw; it satirizes extreme scenarios of a horrible reality that could possibly occur. To express her own critique on anti-feminism during the 1980s, Margaret Atwood demonstrates an extreme right wing government control over politics and religion in her novel, The Handmaid’s Tale. This dystopia is …show more content…

Marthas are the housekeepers and they are nurturing. However, Marthas are envious of the Handmaid’s ability to bear children because they are infertile. o Commander’s Wives blue: symbolizes tranquility, order, cleanliness, and security. They are in charge of running the household. o Aunt’s grey: symbolizes conservatism, modesty, and practicality.
- Metaphors

BIG IDEA 2: anti feminism and new misogyny Margaret Atwood brings another social issue into perspective: anti-feminism, a different type from traditional misogyny. This new misogyny is the act of women’s hatred of women. Atwood’s novel is anti-feminist world that not only displays men’s distrust over women, but a lack of sisterhood also. Although, women and men are repressed in Gilead’s caste system, it is the women in positions of power who make this system unpleasant. Atwood exemplifies a disunited womanhood through her female characters.
- Different characters showing this new misogyny: Atwood shows how women permit and perpetuate abuse against and amongst themseleves. o Janine versus Offred and other handmaids o Serena joy and Offred o Marthas and handmaids (Cora and Rita vs Offred) o Moira o Aunts: irony: no nurturing qualities
- Talk about dissensus and consensus for each

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