
The Handmaid's Tale Essay

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Upon reading The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood, one notices the tragedy of women losing rights. Imagine the feelings of losing all rights and freedoms; how hard the transition would be from an American society, centered on freedoms, to the society where Offred lives in The Handmaid’s Tale. Thankfully for all Americans, Atwood’s prediction of what society would become in the future was inaccurate. But, not all countries enjoy the same freedoms and luxuries as America does; the treatment of women in Middle Eastern societies, more specifically Iran, is similar to that of The Handmaid’s Tale. Although the current situation in Iran and The Handmaid’s Tale might seem quite different, as one is a futuristic dystopian novel and the other is …show more content…

Women even face honor killings in Iran if they embarrass the family. As women in Gilead are hung on “the wall” when breaking a law, women in Iran are killed by their own parents. For something as menial as falling in love with a boy, girls such as Saba Qaiser are taken to a riverbank, and their fathers proceed to “point the pistol at her head and shoot her” (Kristof 1). On the other hand, the only major difference between Gileadean society and Iranian society is that women in Iran are allowed to have a job, and women in Gileadean society were not. That being said, Iranian women face much discrimination in the workforce, and it is quite difficult for them to attain a paid job. Additionally, women in The Handmaid’s Tale and in Iranian society have similar restrictions. Women in each society are banned from certain areas and have rules that they must obey inside and outside of the house. In The Handmaid’s Tale, Offred is taken to a men’s only section by the Commander. She had to hide because “ ‘wives aren’t allowed’... This time he won’t show m[y] [pass], the one that’s supposed to be mine, as I’m no longer in official existence…” (Atwood 232-233). Not only are there restrictions for women outside of the house, but also within the house. The wives aren’t even allowed to enter certain sections of the house that belong only to the Commander. Additionally, women in Gileadean society are forced to wear certain color veils in order to identify who is who:

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