
The Happiest Refugee Quotes

Decent Essays

In Anh Do’s heartwarming and inspiring memoir The Happiest Refugee, the author elicits the prosperous adventure of a migrant family that come across various personal and memorable experiences. The central theme of a migrant family is established through their successful journey to Australia. Anh Do portrays this theme through the life lessons he learns from his parents, furthermore he is given a variety of opportunities where he could earn money and contribute to the family’s income. His academic endeavors at school is depicted through his lucrative career as a comedian and an university student.

Anh Do perpetuates that he and his family had a prosperous future in their journey to Australia, between the life lessons Anh learns. During his childhood and early years as a student Anh learns valuable lessons from his family although his dad is away for most of his childhood years. As shown through family relationships Anh has a sense of stand up for all his family’s positive values that he eventually assimilates from when he migrates to Australia. When Anh and his family could not afford the farm for their breeding ducks, Anh’s father was not the one who they could stop. His famous Vietnamese line, “There's only two times in life, there now and there too late,” symbolises that Anh’s father has a very built of nature …show more content…

When Anh and other finalists were part of a comedy competition, in which the winner was Anh he describes the enthusiasm as, “I’d won five thousand big one and Tram got her teeth fixed.” This quote elucidates that because of Anh’s successful academic career in Australia, he know how this helps him and he give back to his family as he grows and develops. From Anh’s academic potential, his successful journey is thoroughly emphasised in the ways he assists his

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