
The Homelessness : Why Should We Care About Homeless People?

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Ending Homelessness Why should we care about homeless people? That’s the kind of attitude you can witness that people have towards the homeless. Homelessness is a pretty common occurrence which might be a reason for people’s indifference towards it. People are unaware of the circumstances surrounding the homeless, which can lead them to believe their situation is like that because of their own personal choice. That is not entirely true and it’s an issue that should be addressed properly. Everyone should have the right to a stable place to live in that meets a their needs. Society’s attitude towards the homeless needs to change. They need to realize how serious being homeless is and look for ways to end it, such as taking an initiative and volunteering and or donating to shelters. There are many things in our lives that we take for granted, such as food and clothing that are not accessible to a big portion of the population. This surplus of things that most of us have can easily be given to people who are in dire need of them. Personally, I had an abundance of clothes from when I was younger. They were things I was never going to wear again and were simply being stored, unused. Knowing that, I decided to donate the clothes to an organization that will then donate it to people who need it. My contribution was going to help someone out there in need and that felt significant. Food is also something that a lot of people do not have access to. From my peers, I notice that a

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