
The Human Rights and Ethical Dilemmas Facing Marketing Research in an Ever Expanding Business Market

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The Human Rights and Ethical Dilemmas Facing Marketing Research in an Ever Expanding Business Market

What is ethical and unethical when it comes to information gathering on a group of people or an individual? This is a question that has been debated and pondered over for many years. As social mediums, technology, and social and economic statuses change at rates that have never been seen on this type of global scale in human history it can be hard to tell. I will delve into situations and dilemmas that marketers find themselves in, on a day to day basis when doing research. Before we can go into the ethical and philosophical questions of your everyday marketer we first have to come to understand of what marketing ethics are. …show more content…

Anheuser-Busch hired individuals that were looked at as “trend-setters,” to go into popular bars in major metropolitan areas in the United States and buy Bud Select. This is when Anheuser-Busch was just introducing Bud Select. This is where the dilemma comes in, was Anheuser-Busch doing anything wrong in hiring people to buy their own product in public outings? This was a way for them to push their product. For: Anheuser-Busch was not breaking the law. There is no rule saying you can’t hire people to buy your own product and then showcase it to other individuals. Against: By hiring individuals that are looked at as “trend-setters” to push a new product in a public atmosphere, a bar or club, without the public knowledge can be looked at as misleading and shady The question you have to ask yourself when doing marketing research is where is line. In this situation Anheuser-Busch was using techniques that can be looked at as unethical, but at the same time Anheuser-Busch is a company that has a bottom line, and share holders to keep happy. Sometimes, employees are passive respondents to observational research. An example of this would be by a company using a mystery shopper. Mystery shoppers are employees of a research firm that are paid to “pretend” to be actual shoppers (Zikmund & Babin, 2007). A mystery shopper performs their jobs in public, and performs

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