
The Idea Of Knowledge In Frankenstein By Mary Shelley

Decent Essays

The idea of knowledge is something we always seem to be The idea of knowledge is something we always seem to be fantasizing about and normally strive to obtain more and more everyday since we are accustomed to the fact that learning more information makes you brighter and smarter. But what happens when there is an overflow of knowledge? Various inventions, and not safe ones, can be sparked because of this knowledge. Found in Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, the danger of too much knowledge is evident.

Being a wise individual and having passion for a certain subject not always leads to expected results. For instance, in the novel Frankenstein, the beauty of natural philosophy and the wonders of the human body serve as the driving force for Victor's idea of creating a human from different body parts with the help of electricity. In this case, Victor's occupation or use of wisdom led to tragedy since his own invention, a monster, murders his brother William, …show more content…

For example, phones with navigation systems or access to dictionaries exist because of knowledge intertwined with technology. Many people view this as fascinating improvement, as well human cloning. Normally a human is made naturally with a female and a male, but cloning is a creation led by the power of knowledge. At first this may seem spectacular but as soon as you start to think deeper, would it be enjoyable if there was a person who had your identical genes? The use of knowledge interferes with nature at this point since it's going beyond the limits and reaching too high. The outcomes of human cloning would not be the best if there are people looking like replicas of one another. Also, since not everyone out there has good intentions, they might take advantage of this misuse of knowledge and break the law, become criminals and not face any consequences or punishment. Their clones, who are probably innocent, will pay the

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