
The Ideas Of Jean Watson 's As We Are Now By May Sarton

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As a nurse, an important part of the job is to be caring and helpful for the physical and mental aspects of the patient. The ideas of Jean Watson 's Caritas Processes help define how a nurse can show caring in themselves to their patients. Watson names the eight processes; then define they mean which is key to understanding how a nurse should act to their patients. The book as We Are Now by May Sarton helps show some examples of how these processes work in action and helps to form ideas of how one can improve as a nurse in the future.
Caritas process one is “cultivating the practice of Loving- Kindness and equanimity toward self and other as foundational to Caritas consciousness” (Watson, 2008, p. 47). This means that for a nurse to love others no matter their situation, they must have equanimity and loving kindness to any situation to best help and support their patients (Watson, 2008, p. 59). With regards to Sarton’s book Lisa Thornhill and Caro show this process as Lisa is loving in how she speaks to Caro giving Caro hope and happiness from her visits. Lisa tells Caro how she would love to revisit making Caro happy to hear the truth (Sarton, 1973, p. 65). When I have patients I will make sure to ask them how they feel, what I could help with, or listen to their stories. I will make sure to stay and listen to everything they say without acting rushed so they know I care for them and their needs.
Caritas process two is “being authentically present: enabling,

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