
The Impact Of Gmos On The Us

Good Essays

The Impact of GMOs in the US Genetically Modified Organism or GMO is an organism that has been altered genetically. There are many possibilities for altering an organism such as growing conditions, quantity, or even scientific breakthroughs. Many choose a side over this heated debate, whether GMOs are safe or if they are harmful to humans. Currently about two-thirds of all items in the supermarket is GMO(Corn The Miracle Crop). GMO promise increase crop yields, lower costs, and less herbicides and pesticides. Altering the organisms genetics could negatively affect the organism resulting in an unstable product. Researchers have found that an unstable product can result in poor crop production, decrease in nutritional value, toxic and …show more content…

They did this purposely to make the viewer see Orville Redenbacher as a classic, just as Pacman is a classic video game. The off-white popcorn stands out from the satin red background, this is done to show the quality put into the product. As the viewer may relate satin red to the ‘Red Carpet’. Also red is the color of desire, so it subconsciously affects the viewer to crave Orville Redenbacher popcorn. Following the Z-pattern that the human eyes uses, when first seeing this ad one is presented with the red satin background with light and dark shadows that bring emphasis to the Pacman. Around the Pacman the lighting becomes brighter, to represent a shining spotlight, this brings focus to the Pacman. From the top right corner to the bottom left, the viewer follows the trail of Ritz cracker. Then from the crackers you read the slogan that leads to Orville Redenbacher in a frame and the packaged product of 100 calorie ‘Smart Pop’. In the bottom right the text states,”100% whole grain, *0g trans fat per serving”. This product appeals to a wide audience, such as gamers who recognize the Pacman reference. Those who are looking for a light snack that satisfies their craving with the 100 calories and *0g trans fats emphasized. As well as the loyal fans of Orville Redenbacher popcorn. Behind every advertisement there is a hidden aspect. In the Orville Redenbacher’s popcorn advertisement, the company prides itself in producing non-Gmo corn by stating “Made with

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