
The Impact Of Indians During The Colonial Americas Essay

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The Impact of Indians in the Colonial Americas Many historians speculate that about 20,000 years ago Paleo-Indians migrated to America. How they made the journey is highly speculated as well. Some believe it was by a land bridge between Asia and Northern America while others believed the Paleo-Indians to have migrated via boat. However, how they arrived is not what matters, but what is important is that the Paleo-Indians made it to the Americas where they began establishing their own civilizations. Around 1492, however, countries like Spain, Britain, and France began exploring for new lands to “colonize”. The lands they discovered were already inhabited by Indians, who are portrayed as the bad guy more times than not. Yet, one could argue that they are the opposite of that. Yes, colonists and Indians shared their differences, but if it were not for the Indians many of the colonists and colonizations would have never survived. One of the major countries to colonize in the Americas was Spain. Spain would actually go on to conquer and colonize many areas and establish one of the largest empires in all of the Americas. But the way in which they went about doing so was completely unnecessary according to Bartolome de Las Casas. Bartolome actually wrote “In Defense of the Indians which was one of the first works in which a person from a colonizing nation argued for the rights of the indigenous people (Indians or Native Americans in this case) of the region that was being

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