
The Impact of Culture Media on Young Girl's Body Image

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The culture of media has now taken a large affect on young girls and their body images. Young girls are feeling dissatisfied with their bodies because of the way society views women. The media tells us what to look like, what clothes to wear, make-up, what cars to drive, and sometimes what to eat. Media is changing people constantly through advertising and by showing us the looks and fashions of celebrities. Advertising has negative effects on the formation of oneself as seen through the nature of the promotion of its’ products. This effect is particularly prevalent among young adolescent girls. Young girls feel the need to join dietary plans or result to eating disorders Advertising in society results in negative effects on girls through self-image that leads to harmful consequences. The media is the biggest factor contributing to girls’ dissatisfaction with their bodies, causing eating disorders. “There is no doubt that advertisements are everywhere, in fact the average woman sees about 400 to 600 advertisements per day” ( The stereotypical woman in today’s society is at home and taking care of the children, looking young and appealing to the man’s eye, and is seen as a movie star. The stereotypical women in advertisements today have sex appeal and are centered upon the notion that women must maintain a social standard to be accepted by society. The sex appeal does not promote a lifestyle that is in the best interest of all women. However, these ideals

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