
The Impact of a Traumatic Event Essay

Decent Essays

Regardless of how a child acts towards their parents, all that matters in the end is their unconditional love for them. However, the time it takes for them to express their gratitude will depend on each child. In the novel The Namesake, Jhumpa Lahiri demonstrates this, describing the life of a young boy named Gogol and his continually progressing relationship with his mother. It demonstrates that a child is unable to view his or her parents as a human being until the parent figure experiences a traumatic event that allows the child to empathize with their parents. Although parents play an immense role in a child’s life, their support is often underappreciated. They are viewed merely as a beneficial object that can either help or hinder …show more content…

When a parent undergoes a traumatic event, the child will be able to empathize with them and feel the need to express the love that is owed. This leap of maturity allows the child to change the perspective of his or her parent to an actual human being that has feelings just like the child himself. In the midst of his father’s death, while Gogol is living with his mother so that he can care for her, his girlfriend, Maxime, asks him if he still wants to go on the vacation they had planned. Gogol unconfidently rejects her, and Maxime presses on: “’It might do you good,’ she says, tilting her head to one side. She glances around the room. ‘To get away from all this.’
‘I don’t want to get away’” (Lahiri 182). Gogol’s determination to support his mother in these times of stress is a huge step towards maturity. Through his father’s death, he is able to empathize with his mother and finally realize that she, too, requires love. A traumatic event has also happened to my family approximately five years ago. My father wanted to take my brother kayaking on the Credit River. My mother was already unsupportive of the idea because winter had just ended; all the snow was melting, making the water levels high and the river flow fast. As my brother was kayaking, he saw my father’s overturned kayak float past and he panicked. Stopping at the side, he called my mother and I watched her

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