
Essay about The Impact of the Smartphone on Society

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Technology has, since the primitive years, always been used to invent tools in order to solve problems. This would, in turn, simplify and make man’s life easier. Through advancements in the field, man has become more efficient on both the macro- and microscopic level. Anything nowadays can be attained with either the flip of a switch or a click of a mouse. One particular technology that came about in this time was the smartphone. Since 2008, the smartphone, a device that combines a normal cell phone with a computer, typically offering Internet access, data storage, e-mail capability, etc. all in your hand was deemed as ground-breaking technology and created one of the largest and most competitive market in terms of …show more content…

In the past, families used to schedule time frames in order to all get together to sit down and have a talk about what had happened during their day. Since the creation of the smartphone, this has changed from a time for everyone to talk and socialize with each other into a competition of how many words per minute someone can text on their smartphone. This situation has occurred in none other than my family. Every dinner, we used to get together and converse about each other’s day and now it has changed into a time to use our phones. Even if we are only rooms apart, we much rather send each other a text message than call out each other’s name and engage in conversation in this matter. By no longer engaging in these conversations the smartphone has reinvented the way humans go about their social relationships. It is due to this that many people in the world today cannot have a face-to-face conversation because they feel unsafe with this form of conversation. As Sherry Turkle says: People say, "I'll tell you what's wrong with having a conversation. It takes place in real time and you can't control what you're going to say." So that's the bottom line. Texting, email, posting, all of these things let us present the self as we want to

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