
The Importance Of Credibility

Decent Essays

Goodwill to me, had always been the willingness to help others. I think of the Goodwill store, there to supply for the less fortunate. My thoughts weren’t far off from the actual definitions. Goodwill being the positive relationship between you (or your company) and your audience. This helps to understand the phrase, “bring goodwill toward men”, to better the relationships between them. When I think of the creditability of a person I think, it is someone who is knowledgeable about the topic and is someone who lives that life. Credibility is the quality of being trusted and believed in. Have you ever been asked or thought back to information you received on a topic? One of the things you need to think about is, is this a creditable source. Both credibility and goodwill are so important, with one leading to the another. Once you have been able to build a reputation as a credible source, someone who can be trusted you can start to build goodwill. You’ve presented yourself as a trustworthy source and can build the bridge to a great relationship with whoever your audience maybe. In the world that …show more content…

Armstrong was an American hero, he battled cancer, beat it and came back to prove himself as one of the greatest athletes of all time. Lance had won 7 Tour de France within his career and founded the Lance Armstrong Foundation. He was what we pictured when we pictured a fighter, an American hero. Armstrong has shown us his blood, sweat and tears, had built not only the credibility but the goodwill. In the blink of an eye, all of it was gone. It was revealed that Armstrong had been taking performance enhancements to win his races. In one day he had lost 8 sponsorships, he had built his relationships on being a winner, a fighter, accomplishing things no ordinary person could. Admitting to lying to the world meant his credibility vanished. How can you stand behind a man who can’t tell the

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