
The Importance Of Critical Thinking

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Critical thinking is a big part in our lives. It helps us to make more inform decisions. It definitely plays a big role in our society, especially in our society because we need it. I know I need to use it because if I do not use critical thinking, then I would be making very bad decisions. Critical thinking is important in my life and as well as in society. One could say that critical thinking has some important political implications to it. Some say that the classroom should not try and teach critical thinking. In an article written by Sarah Benesch, from College of Staten Island and City University of New York, she found that a few people agreed that critical thinking should not be taught in the classroom. The people who share that …show more content…

Gieve also defines for us the difference of Monologic critical thinking and Dialogic critical thinking. For Monologic critical thinking, which U.S. often base their skills-based curricula, is in his words are “defined by the informal logic movement” (p. 126). Now with his definition of Dialogic critical thinking, Gieve says, “A form of dialogical discourse in which the taken-for-granted assumptions and presuppositions that lie behind argumentation are uncovered, examined, and debated” (p. 126). In the article, they give an example of dialogic critical thinking. In the example she talked about the death of a homosexual college student named Matthew Shepard. He had gone to a bar that he knew had a lot of gay and straight students and workers. Two young men posed as gay men and offered him a ride. They then proceed to take him to an isolated field, tied him up and beat him. After laying there in the field for eighteen hours he was found and died five days later from his injuries. Sarah, the author of the article, wanted to know why this had happen so she used dialogic critical thinking to figure it out. She found that heterosexual men feel justified to respond to the presence of homosexual men with violence to assert masculinity. By using some form of critical thinking, we can figure many things out, especially with this example given. This proves that critical thinking is very important in our lives because we use almost every day. Another paper that can prove that

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