
The Importance Of Gentrification In Baltimore

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During the 1990s, a decrease in the employment sectors many black middle class families moved out into Baltimore County. The cost of housing made it difficult to sustain the cost of living. In 2014, the number of Whites within Baltimore had the highest number in migration. However, within the white population a better advantage of resources were available such as loans, jobs, entertainment, education, and technology making it easier to live within Baltimore. Gentrification has pushed Blacks with low income to move out while the White population continues to move into Baltimore because of the access to better quality of life. Many within this type of White population have higher education, are able to save and plan to start families, and moved due to housing related purposes. …show more content…

By looking at the 1910-1920s, the increase of the manufacturing industry moved a large amount of people from rural areas to where there was a demand for job to Baltimore. However after the 1920s, there was a decrease in the number people because of the depression and the steel manufacturing industry falling. Many of those individuals moved back to the rural community where they could find jobs. Along with this the second Great Migration occurring which influenced many Black to head into industrial region of the nation, and Baltimore was just that. Within the time from of the 1950s-1960s the population change of Whites decreased from 723,673 to 610,512 while the Black population changed from 226,053 to 328,512 ( Demography of Baltimore City,

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