
The Importance Of Hate Speech

Decent Essays

"The way that you know he`s failing is I`d almost still bang him. It`s`s just a man in a dress, isn't it? " said Milo Yiannopoulos while giving a speech at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee where he denigrated a transgender university student in front of everyone showing her picture on an enormous screen. Not only Milo, but there are numerous people in our society who misuses the right of free speech by using hateful and awful words in their speech in the name of Free Speech. Even the Congress does not take any action against the hateful speech, but the public tries their best to stop the hate speech. However, it is the government`s responsibility to protect its citizens from any mishappenings. Speech in the United States is as free as it could ever be because Congress does not violate what an individual says, regardless of how odious; although, U.S. government should take crucial steps against hate speech.
Speech in United States is as free as it could ever be because Congress does not violate what an individual says, regardless of how odious. According to the United States Supreme Court case "Snyder V. Phelps", Westboro Baptist Church has been protesting at the military funerals for the past 20 years and it has protested at nearly 600 funerals to spread its belief that God hates United States for its acceptance of homosexuality, especially in the US Military. Similarly, protesters went to the funeral of Marine Lance Corporal Matthew Snyder where they

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