
The Importance Of Income Inequality

Good Essays

Adrian Balinao
Dr. Tym
Essay #3
November 29, 2017

Income Inequality

Former President Barack Obama has called economic inequality “the defining challenge of our time.” He states, “The combined trends of increased inequality and decreasing mobility posed a fundamental threat to the American Dream, our way of life, and what we stand for around the globe.” Yet, income inequality is a topic of conversation most Americans avoid. People in the United States, researchers have found, vastly underestimate the extent of our economic inequality. Studies show that only 5% of Americans think that inequality is a major problem in need of attention. Paul Krugman in “Confronting Inequality” explains the significance of income inequality, its impact on social equality, and why it is such a problem. Income inequality is the extent in which income is distributed unevenly among a population. It is no secret that there is a separation between lower, middle, and high-class families, but just how wide have the gaps between the top percenters and everyone else grown?
Researchers found that the average American believes that the richest fifth own 59% of the wealth and that the bottom 40% own 9%. But in reality, the top 20% of US households own more than 84% of the wealth, and the bottom 40% combine for only a mere 0.3%. In the United States, the average income of the richest 10% is 16 times as large as the poorest 10% in 2014. The difference in incomes have become so strong that

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