
The Importance Of Learning Strategies For Students

Decent Essays

(REQUIRED) 1a) Identify one instructional strategy or student activity from the outline of plans that could be challenging for the student, considering the description of the student’s learning disability.

According to the description, the student Alex does not join into whole-class conversations or contribute to group learning situations. Participation in class and group discussion would be definitely a challenging activity for him.

(REQUIRED) 1b) Explain why the strategy or activity you chose could be challenging for the student, based on specific aspects of the student description.
Participation in class and group discussion is an essential activity to accomplish the learning goals of the unit and it’s done more than one time along the three instructional days. Based on specific aspects of the student description of a self-isolating person who does not readily join into whole-class conversations or contribute to group learning situations, this activity would be challenging for him.

(REQUIRED) 1c) Describe how you would adapt the strategy or activity you identified to meet the needs of the student.
The first adaption I would make to the activity of participation in group or class discussion is, to place Alex in a group with high level students. Second, I will promote small groups, instead of big groups or class discussion. Students with special learning disability may gain confidence and express themselves better into a small group. Third, I will create my own tumbling

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