
The Importance Of Prisons In Prison

Decent Essays

A lot of people talk about someone before they get sentenced to prison, but do not ask about what goes on while they serve time for their actions. Criminals rights are basically revoked during their sentencing and not given back after. Whether it is the way they are treated by prison officials, voting while in jail or when they get let free, and the way they are treated for the religion they follow. They are overlooked by people who have right just because they are locked up and serving time.
Have you ever asked yourself how are criminals treated while they are serving time? Well if you have ever asked yourself this questions the answer is poorly. Criminals are treated so poorly by prison officials. In the article Prisoner Abuse: How Different are U.S. Prisons? they discuss how prisoners are constantly being abused by their guards. The author states in regards to the way prison inmates are treated that, “In recent years, U.S. prison inmates have been beaten with fists and batons, stomped on, kicked, shot, stunned with electronic devices, doused with chemical sprays, choked, and slammed face first onto concrete floors by the officers whose job it is to guard them.”. This is stuff people would usually be sent to jail for doing but because prisoners are not taken as seriously as other people it is just overturned. This is not a good thing because it does not go by the human rights that everyone has regardless of the mistakes they make. Officers are hired to protect inmates from

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