
The Importance Of The First Earthquake In Canada

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Currently, the prediction of the “Big One” is causing a lot of disturbance and fear among people who lived along the coastline of British Columbia. The “Big One” stands for a Cascadia Megathrust earthquake with magnitude around 9 and it has at least twelve percent probability of hitting Vancouver within the next fifty years ( ). The validity of this prediction has been questioned by many, however, scientific explanation has proven that the “Big One” will happen in the future sooner or later. British Columbia has the highest earthquake risk in Canada; several thousand small earthquakes are recorded in B.C. every year. Therefore, the “Big One” is going to happen, and it will cause different scales of damage such as geological and economical …show more content…

The right figure gives a more specific visualization of the Juan de Fuca plate currently been forced to slip under the North American plate in an area known as the Cascadia Subduction Zone. Along the boundary of these two plates, a section has become locked yet they are still moving toward each other. As a result, stress has accumulated for centuries and when that stress relieved, it will cause the largest and most powerful earthquake called a megathrust earthquake of magnitude 9.0 or higher. The last earthquake which was caused by the relieved of this stress with similar magnitude happened in 1700. The scientists were able to determine this date through sediment samples that indicated the coast’s seismic past, taken from the sea floor off the coast of Vancouver Island. Therefore, scientist were able to outline that earthquakes occur every 500 to 1000 years.The risk for a possible megathrust earthquake to happen is increasing and it is coming faster than predicted because the stress hasn’t been released recently and the Juan de Fuca and the North American Plates are constantly moving. Right now, Vancouver Island has been tilted higher and squeezed by a few centimetres eastward every year. In the next 50 years, when the strain released, an earthquake called the “Big One” will rip down the west coast from British Columbia to northern California, …show more content…

Recently, District of North Vancouver has released the results of a detailed five-year study that models a shallow 7.3 magnitude earthquake, with epicentre in the Strait of Georgia, risk in the municipality. Although this might not be the worst-case scenario,it still provides useful information in terms of determining the vulnerability of North Vancouver facing an earthquake. The bright side of the evaluation is that majority of people live in wood frame houses, which are inherently better able to withstand earthquake damage and most are built on stable, solid ground. That would be especially important if an earthquake struck at night, when most people are home.The dark side is that areas likely to be most impacted by ground shaking and soil failure in an earthquake, especially buildings in several low-lying waterfront areas would likely be topple as sandy soils were subject to liquefaction just like the below figure has shown where the red parts indicate areas near the shore or the waterfront is facing structural failure and danger of collapse. Looking to the upper regions, it is shown in this scenario that these areas would receive no significant structural damage when experienced a 7.3 magnitude earthquake. In general, North Vancouver is less dangerous under the condition

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