
The Importance Of Voting To The United States Congress

Decent Essays

If I were elected to the United States Congress the factors that would influence my decision on whether to vote for or against a bill would be: re-election, political party affiliations and, interest groups. My main concern as every other congressmen would be to be re-elected. If I really want to continue to be a Congressmen then I would keep in mind when the next elections would be and see how I can find my way to keep a seat in Congress.

Being elected into congress is above a lot of other political positions and it takes you away from your state. You might still be locally active representing your state in the House of Representatives, but you won’t be as close to your voters. Meaning that voters are in mind, but that’s when my next factor comes in; Political Party Affiliation (PPA). PPA become more useful once in Congress because to some extent you have to please your party’s interest. By voting against a bill that your party wants you to vote in favor of could be very drastic to your future plans as a Congressmen. The party that your are affiliated with might not want to agree with you on other matter and the whole time that you serve as a Congressmen will only be a constant argument with you and your party and even more problems will arise with the opposing party. If you are to change your political affiliation you will technically still be voting influenced by their views on the bill. …show more content…

If you don’t consider interest groups as a part of your decision on whether to vote for or against a bill is like playing roulette. You don’t know what will happen in the next elections, you won’t know what the outcome would be, unless you have polling data. That’s why I would allow myself to be influenced by interest groups. By voting in favor of a bill because of interest groups means more votes, thus higher chances of being

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