
The Inequality Of Power By Mary Louise Pratt, A Woman Of The Elite Mla Academy Essay

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Does the power struggle still exist in the 21st Century and are teacher’s encouraging the inequality of power instead of addressing issues at school?
(Indent)In the past, countries like South Africa experienced a power struggle called the Apartheid. White South Africans were seen as the Superior race and were allowed privileges that other races were denied. Being born and raised in South Africa after Apartheid, where it is now called a Democracy. The power struggle is still just as ripe and evident as it was back then, it is just in reverse. Now the Black people are allowed privileges and the White people are denied them. It seems like only those in power; wealth and literacy are heard out and are able to actually make a change. Today, a similar fight for power is evident in classrooms, work places and all over the world. Mary Louise Pratt, a woman of the Elite MLA Academy presented a speech, “Art of the contact zone” to expose the students and faculty to the contact zone. Pratt uses a very clever technique by starting off with the story with personal illustrations and then leaves us dumbfounded by the points her essay makes about the inequality of power. Pratt’s explanation and emphasis about the struggle of power, past and present is completely true. Although the contact zone is a great idea in terms of power being equally distributed between people in society is, it’s not feasible because people always want to have more power than the next.
The contact zone is a great

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