
The Influence Of Media On Body Image Of Teenagers

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Over the course of years, teenagers have been drawn to their appearance, spending hours in front of the mirror perfecting every flaw. Children pageants teach girls to see themselves as not good enough without hair extensions, makeup, and acrylic nails creating issues in the future. Magazine articles urge women to lose twenty pounds to benefit themselves by having the fantasy life of a perfect marriage, children and a rewarding career. Studies have shown that a typical American teenager sees at least 5,620 attractiveness messages a year containing the idea of thinness and attractiveness. Teenagers should not be put under so much pressure to be “perfect” because it encourages extreme changes to the body and self harm, leads to bullying, and …show more content…

The media is particually responsible for teenagers self esteem, “Many girls can lose confidence in their intellectual and creative achievements instead they focus on how to measure up to the media divas”(Mills). When girls see magazines of thin models they feel inferior about themselves because their bodies don't match the models. Referring back to the article, girls get caught up in new methods causing eating disorders because they can't match their bodies. All the achievements they have worked for become irrelevant because society has presented that body image is the most important factor. Girls seem to have high expectations on body image that builds up low self esteem not only for them but with others around them. Many times a girl who does not think of herself as highly due to her body, she begins to form friends with the same characteristics. Second, it has been recognized that body image is also influenced by children's movies “Orenstein believes that most marketing toward girls and boys are unhealthy, focusing on physical beauty. The image of physical beauty and muscles has become of the most important representation of a women and men's worth” . Disney movies of princesses show a love story between a prince and and a princess that every little girl adores. The step mother resented her and did not allow for her to go to the ball because of her appearance. The prince then fell in love with her immediately due to her beauty encouraging young girls that they can find their prince charming if they look “beautiful”. From a young age, it has been registered in their brains to make their physical appearance the most important. Once they hit the age to search for true love the rejections from the opposite sex due to their body images start to lower self esteem that could lead into serious harm. Children's marketing also sends the wrong message to boys, “Padded Halloween costumes of

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