
The Internal Environment Of An Organization

Decent Essays

The internal environment are the conditions, entities, events, art factors within an organization that influence its activities and choices, particularly the behavior of the employers. Conditions are set as the place where the workers are set to do their job, where the customers are able to order and to receive what they ordered, and the basic necessities in their workplace. Entities and Events are the situations and days where something may be changed due to someone 's preference or due to a large gathering within the company. The art factors are the general aesthetic that the company upholds, and the behavior of the employers is truly something that does not only boost morale, but the value of the goods that are produced.
What resources do you have that helps you succeed in the industry? People? Equipment? Size/Type of inventory? Customer Service? The resources that Ben E. Keith has to help our company in the industry business are our advertising, good work ethics with our customers, an expansion through 60 Texas counties, food divisions expanding its geographic reach, and combined sells in each wing within the company for about one billion dollars. In 2014, the sales reached 3.3 billion (2.5 billion in the food division), up from the $3.2 billion ($2.4 billion in the food division), in 2013. There are new distributing systems being opened and an expansion in the employment base while supplying produce, frozen foods, meats and equipment and supplies, among other

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