
The Investment Detective Essay

Decent Essays

Case Study: The Investment Detective
Primary consideration is the capital availability. If the firm has unlimited access to capital and no other investment options, Net Present Value would become recommended quantitative method. On the other hand, if the time horizon and payback period matter, the company should use Internal Rate of Return Calculation.
1. Looking at the cash flows doesn’t really say much. The assumption is that the firm is in the business to make profit. Profit is equal return on investment cost of borrowing. If the WACC is 10% or higher, firm should make more than 10% as return on investment.
Looking at the cash flows only gives an idea of how much excess of cash flow over initial investment is made. Implementing …show more content…

Investment no. 6 does only cover the cost of capital. Investment no. 2 does not even cover the cost of capital. An analyst would use NPV if the company has unlimited capital resources.

Internal or effective rate of return provides better results if the firm is concerned about the time horizon. Timelines of cash streams considered using IRR. According to IRR, an analyst should decide to recommend projects:
• 7 that yields 5.26% above WACC
• 4 yields 2.33% above WACC
• 8 yields 1.41% above WACC but it cannot be used due to mutual exclusivity with no. 7
• 3 yields 1.33% above the cost of capital
• 5 that yields 1.12% above WACC

4. 1 Bond
2 Equipment depreciation (3 year table)
3 Real estate investment (land).
4 Franchise
5 Any type of investment with guaranteed annual interest. Also perpetuity.
6 Short term lending
7 - Equipment depreciation (5 year table)
8 New business

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