
The Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh Of Iran Essay

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In mid-1953, democratic leader Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran was overthrown in favor of electing General Fazlollah Zahedi the new Iranian Prime Minister. This was caused by a coup led by the British Secret Intelligence Service and the US Central Intelligence Agency, though plans for the coup began in Britain about 2 years before the US became involved. Britain, since the early 18th century, had been very involved in Iranian economic affairs, due to Iranian leader Nasir al-Din Shah selling large chunks of Iranian industry to foreign investors in order to fund his well-known over-exuberance. Of his foreign investors, Britain bought into Iran heavily, purchasing rights to run a telegraph through Iran to India, exclusive rights to tobacco in Iran, and exclusive rights to industry, farmland, resources, roads, banks, and currency in Iran, though the latter would later be revoked (31). This decision to subsequently, over time, led to “control over the nation’s most valuable assets” to be given to foreigners, rather than the Iranian people (32). After Nasir al-Din Shah’s death in 1901, his son Muzzaffar sold the rights to Iranian oil to Britain for 60 years. This decision led to Iranian riots because this would take oil out of Iranian control and Iranian economy would suffer as a result. To combat this, in 1906, Iran formed an Iranian parliament, known as the Majlis, to defend the Iranian people and keep Iran out of poverty. Feeling threatened, Britain stepped in and integrated

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