
The Issue Of Climate Change

Decent Essays


I. There is an issue on this planet that will define this generation. The issue is climate change. Global warming. A world on the collapse as our oceans are acidified, our air polluted, our forests disappearing, and human rights issues getting worse. It seems that people are not aware of how big climate change actually is. It’s not something that only takes place on the ice caps or in the forests on the far corners of the world. This is an issue that happens here, and now. It’s real. It’s happening.
II. On the bright side, there are things we can do. This issue is a result of our lack of action, our lifestyles, and our way of living. Many people want to help, but are not even sure where to begin. One-way thing that we can do is to reduce the amount of co2 in our atmosphere. There are simple changes we can make in our daily routines to get started in doing that.
III. I’m going to give you some options in things that you can implement or change in your way of living that can help with the issue of climate change. These things will help cut carbon in the atmosphere.
IV. As a kid I never really comprehended how vital it was to take care of this planet. As I went through many life changes I became aware of this necessity, I am currently an intern for Greenpeace and I get to passionately do something to help ensure that this planet, and the people who will come after us can thrive.

(Transition: In order to do this we have to realize what it is that is actually

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