
The Issue Of New Zealand

Decent Essays

New Zealand is one of the countries in the world that has unwritten consititution and it is vital because it is the base of a government on how to govern a country based on it. Having a written constitution in New Zealand will give New Zealanders more access about certain documents on the consitution itself. On the other hand, if New Zealand continuously having an unwritten constitution, the citizen may not have knowledge on it due to limited access on it. This essay will clarify on constitution and what is a written constitution. This essay also covers the need to include the Constitution Act 1986, the Public Finance Act 1989 and the Arms Act 1983 and removing the Public Sector Act 1988 from it.
Constitution is the basic principles and laws of a nation, state or social groups that determine the powers and duties of the government and guarantee certain rights to the citizen (Merriam-Webster online dictionary, n.d). In other words, it is a set of guidelines for a government to exercise the given power.
New Zealand is currently practicing democracy system, a system where the powers are vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representations such as public elections (Merriam-Webster online dictionary, n.d). Hence, parliamentary elections must be done every three years to elect new members of Parliament (MPs). On 1986, the formation of Constitution Act 1986 make UK completely powerless to legislate for New Zealand as the residual

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