
The Issue Of The Abortion Policy Essay

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The topic on the issue of the abortion policy is one that has been around for decades. This topic is one that has caused great controversy throughout the course of history, prompting individuals to side either, pro-choice or pro-life, allowing little room for any gray area. Regardless of which position one sides with, there has been, and possibly always will be, strong emotions and feeling attached with the topic. The connation and denotation attached with both sides has prompted discussion on not just the issue at hand, but, as well as, the personal views and possible repercussions stemming from said views. There are a multitude of different U.S. Health Policies that fall under the umbrella of abortion. However, there is one specific policy that especially caught my attention. The specific abortion I would like to focus on is the Hyde Amendment, which withholds federal funding from abortions, unless the pregnancy is a danger to mother, or a product of rape or incest. ("S.142 - 113th Congress (2013-2014): Hyde Amendment Codification Act") First and foremost, before I can discuss the aspects of the Hyde Amendment, I must first give an overview into the history of abortion. Although one of the, if not the, most notable cases surrounding the abortion topic is Roe v. Wade, the history of abortion dates farther back than that one monumental case in the issues in abortion policies’ timeline. Abortion techniques have dated back as early as 1550 BC in ancient Egypt, where the

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