
The Key Interpersonal Skills?

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Q1. Describe the key interpersonal skills you would have used in this interview to engage with Amelia.
To create a state of engagement with Amelia an imperative set of interpersonal skills are required throughout the interview period, to ensure she understands the entire process and reassure that she has made the right decision in coming to seek help. Communication is a varied set of interpersonal skills that is vital because nurses have the most contact with patients (Moxham, Robson & Pegg, 2013) it is important to keep the relationship strong by establishing trustworthy ties. Creating a safe space is also vital in making the patient feel comfortable in expressing their opinions and thoughts without worry of negative judgement. It has …show more content…

Being able to relate with quality and emotionally engaging questions will create an evaluated point of view from Amelia’s perspective.
It is the role of a mental health nurse to control the situation by way of self-management, being assertive in a manner that controls the situation, but allows for freedom of speech and trust of information without passing judgment (Evans, 2017). Establishing trust allows Amelia to relay her feelings and then progress to understand what is happening with her mentally, through correct education of her psychosis.
Q2. The doctor stated that Amelia has symptoms of a psychosis. Using correct clinical terms, describe three important signs and symptoms from the scenario that you agree would support the doctor’s clinical opinion.
Amelia is suffering from the psychosis, schizophrenia. This diagnosis is clear because of her hallucinations and persecutory delusional thought process that has detached her from reality (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). A person is first diagnosed by a set of pre-determined criteria and reported systems, ranging in types and severity of the illness (Hungerford et al., 2015). In agreeance with the doctor’s diagnosis it is evident that Amelia is suffering from a prodrome phase psychosis, meaning the first phase (Evans, 2017). The following three signs and symptoms displayed within the

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