
The Keystone Xl Pipeline Project

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The Keystone XL Pipeline has divided North America because it is an enormous environmental issue. It has divided us due to our opinions. Many Americans see the potential it could bring to our country and economy, but there are several environmental problems to consider and health issues to think about before deciding which side to take. Not only do those factors matter but also how it could affect the lives of many Americans. There are two sides to this issue, to either approve or disapprove the Keystone Pipeline project, and by researching I will form an opinion. In 2012, Congress had a payroll tax cut extension bill that had an attached provision requiring that the Keystone XL receive a permit within 60 days unless President Obama …show more content…

Nitrogen dioxide increases symptoms in people with asthma. Boxer decided to conduct an experiment with a group of school kids in her home state. She asked the students how many of them have asthma or know someone with asthma. About half the class raised their hand. This is important because nearly 25 million people in the America have asthma according to research done in 2009, resulting in the US seeing an event occur like the Black Plague all over again. Another issue that has arose would include the pipeline rupturing leaving us with an oil spill on our hands. Tar sands is the most difficult type of oil to clean up in the event it were to spill. Mainly because it is so heavy it would sink straight to the bottom of the water. A perfect example of a tar sands spill happened in Michigan’s Kalamazoo River in 2010 when approximately thirty-five miles of the Kalamazoo River was closed for clean-up until June 2012, when they had portions of the river re-opened. We can still see the effects it has had on Michigan because they have not fully cleaned all of the oil out of the river. The US lost about 1,100,000 gallons due to this spill, resulting 30 to 50 households to excavate the area and were told not to drink any of their water supplies due to all the highly toxins released from the pipeline rupture. To clean up all the damage from the spill at first it was around $585 million and was expected to rise by 20 percent more. The

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