
The Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia

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Education, in general, gives people a knowledge of the world around us and changes it into something better. Also, the long-term economic, social and personal gains from education are proven – for individuals, families, communities and the development of a nation. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia places great emphasis and importance on education, as it is the field that prepares future generations who are the nation 's true fortune (Al-Mousa, 2010, p. 7). On the other hand, until the late nineteenth century, education in all parts of what is now, Saudi Arabia was traditionally, restricted to reading, writing and recitation of the Qur 'an. The beginning of what we may call "modern education" took place by the end of the nineteenth century in the then Ottoman provinces of Hijaz and al-Ahsa. In the 1920s a there were some private schools which they began offering non-religious subjects in some of the larger towns. In 1951, a network of secondary schools was set up beginning. Saudi Arabia established the Ministry of Education in 1954 and Prince Fahd Bin AbdulAziz was its first minister. In 1964, it has been established public education for girls. In 1975, the Ministry of Higher Education was established. Through 1970 and 1980, The development plans improved the education system considerably.
Introduction: Diversity and Culture
Education Saudi Arabia is based on the Holy Book, the Quran , and Shariah Law. Saudi educational system needs to be changed while preserving the

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